Volume 12 Issue 2 (2014)
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A Canonical Approach to the Argument/Adjunct
DistinctionDiana Forker
University of Bamberg & James Cook University This paper provides an account of the argument/adjunct
distinction implementing the ‘canonical approach’. I identify five
criteria (obligatoriness, latency, co-occurrence restrictions, grammatical
relations, and iterability) and seven diagnostic tendencies that can be used to
distinguish canonical arguments from canonical adjuncts. I then apply the
criteria and tendencies to data from the Nakh-Daghestanian language Hinuq. Hinuq
makes extensive use of spatial cases for marking adjunct-like and
argument-like NPs. By means of the criteria and tendencies it is possible to
distinguish spatial NPs that come close to canonical arguments from those that
are canonical adjuncts, and to place the remaining NPs bearing spatial cases
within the argument-adjunct continuum. 1. IntroductionAt the beginning of the discussion of the argument/adjunct
distinction stands a simple observation: some linguistic expressions in a clause
are central to the predicate, i.e. they ‘complete’ the predicate,
and their referents are equally central to the situation referred to by the
predicate. In contrast, other linguistic expressions are peripheral to the
predicate and the participants they denote pertain to the situation as a whole
(cf. Dowty 2000). The former type of linguistic expression is often called
‘arguments’ (or ‘complements’), and the latter type
‘adjuncts’ (or ‘modifiers’). From a scanning of the
major literature on the argument/adjunct distinction it seems evident
- the distinction is not binary and not categorical, but
rather gradual in its nature
- the use of tests to
identify arguments and adjuncts in particular constructions leads to
contradictory results
- it involves
morphosyntactic and semantic
In this paper, I propose to implement the ‘canonical
approach’ (cf. Corbett 2005, 2007; Brown, Chumakina and Corbett 2013) in
the exploration of the argument/ adjunct distinction. Following Corbett’s
method, I will identify canonical instances of argumenthood and adjuncthood
(e.g. Peter in Peter cries is a canonical instance of an argument,
whereas despite the noise in I slept well despite the noise is a
canonical instance of an adjunct). Taking the canonical instances as the ideal
endpoints of a scale, I will try to build up the possible logical space for the
argument-adjunct continuum by figuring out the relevant syntactic and semantic
criteria and their more or less canonical values. The advantage of the canonical
approach is that it allows us, as Corbett (2007) puts it, to “handle
gradient phenomena in a principled way”. This means that we do not have to
specify how many particular points the argument-adjunct continuum has (e.g.
three, as in Matthews (1981: 140), four, as in Mosel (2007), six, as in Somers
(1984), or even more, as in Arka (this volume)) but only define the endpoints by
means of a set of converging criteria. In order to test my approach I will apply
it to data from the Nakh-Daghestanian language Hinuq. In this language we find a
number of constructions containing NPs marked with spatial cases serving various
functions that are somewhere between arguments and adjuncts. The paper is structured in the following way: I start with a discussion
of criteria for argumenthood and diagnostic tendencies in the behavior of
arguments in Section 2. Section 3 illustrates how the approach can be applied to
NPs bearing spatial case markers in Hinuq, and Section 4 concludes the
paper. 2. A Canonical Typology of
Arguments and Adjuncts In the spirit of canonical typology (cf. Corbett 2005, 2007,
Nikolaeva 2013 among others) I have identified five criteria that can be used to
distinguish canonical arguments from canonical adjuncts:
- obligatoriness
- latency
- co-occurrence
- grammatical
- iterability
By ‘criteria’ I mean defining properties that
concern the nature of what it means to be an argument or adjunct. The list is
based on the existing literature on this topic including various tests that have
been proposed. I complement the criteria with an additional list of diagnostic
tendencies (Section 2.2). The tendencies are not necessary or sufficient
properties of arguments or adjuncts, but formal and functional diagnostics that
can be taken as helpful tests when approaching a new language or construction.
Criteria and tendencies concern the grammatical domains of morphology, syntax
and semantics, but morphology is only of secondary importance for the
argument/adjunct distinction. In contrast, syntax and semantic are equally
significant (Helbig and Schenkel 1983: 60–66), and we must carefully
distinguish between syntactic and semantic arguments. That such a distinction is
necessary becomes immediately obvious when we look at the first criterion,
obligatoriness (see below). Syntactic arguments are those arguments that are
obligatorily required by the syntax. The syntactic argument structure as well as
the morphosyntactic properties of a predicate are language-specific or even
construction-specific. In contrast, I assume that the semantic argument
structure of verbs is universal in the sense that verbs that refer to the same
situations or events have the same semantic arguments. For instance, the German
verb lesen can be used in reference to reading events in the same way as
the English verb read, Russian čitatʼ, Italian leggere, or
Hinuq tʼotʼera. Consequently, these verbs have the same
semantic argument structure. However, the Hinuq verb is polysemous and has two
other meanings, ‘count’ and ‘be engaged in studies’.
With the latter meaning the verb is used with only one semantic argument, an
agent and an optional adjunct specifying the location. 2.1 Criteria for canonical
arguments and adjuncts First Criterion:
ObligatorinessObligatoriness is probably the most central issue of the
argument/adjunct debate. Arguments are in some sense required by the predicate,
while adjuncts are not. The distinction between semantic and syntactic
obligatoriness (Somers 1984, Comrie 1993, van Valin 2001, Kroeger 2004) is an
immediate consequence of the distinction between semantic and syntactic
arguments. The relevance of this point can be illustrated by the passive
derivation in English: passive agents are semantic arguments, but syntactic
adjuncts expressed by an optional PP. Semantic
obligatoriness(C1a) obligatoriness > optionality Canonical arguments are semantically required to complete
the meaning of the predicate, whereas adjuncts are semantically not required
(cf. Koenig et al. 2003: 72). Another way to put it is to say that arguments are
necessarily entailed by the predicate whereas adjuncts are only optionally
entailed (Rákosi 2006: 100–101). Croft (2001: 272) illustrates the
same point with the sentence Randy chased the dog in the park by writing
that “In some sense, the dog is a more “necessary” part of the
event than the location is.” Syntactic
obligatoriness(C1b) obligatoriness > optionality Canonical arguments are required by the syntax whereas
adjuncts are optional (Matthews 1981: 125, Przepiórkowski 1999: 258,
Dowty 2000, Croft 2001: 272–273, van Valin 2001: 93). According to this
criterion manner adverbs are arguments of certain predicates because they
obligatorily co-occur with them, e.g. behave well/badly, treat
fairly/harshly, look good (cf. Helbig and Schenkel 1983: 46, Dowty 2000,
Rákosi 2006: 100–101).
The criteria (C1a) and (C1b) deserve a few comments. (C1a) says that
arguments are semantically obligatory. To have a certain number of semantic
arguments that fulfill certain semantic roles (and possibly more detailed
criteria) is therefore a stable property of verbs that comes with their
semantics. Thus, semantically arguments can never be omitted. However, it is
also a fact that some verbs such as English eat, write or plough
can be used in clauses with one or two arguments, although their semantic
structure is stable and contains two semantic arguments. In such a case we can
make use of the syntactic side of the argument/adjunct distinction and say that
arguments can be syntactically omitted. In contrast, syntactically obligatory
arguments are required to be overt in order to form a syntactically correct
clause. In this way we can distinguish between verbs that can but do not have to
combine with, for instance, object NPs, and those verbs that obligatorily demand object NPs (e.g. inhabit). Second Criterion: Latency
(C2) requiring a definite interpretation when left
unexpressed > allowing for an indefinite interpretation when left
unexpressed Latency is a purely semantic criterion (cf. Matthews 1981:
125–126, Croft 2001: 273, Rákosi 2006). It is tightly related to
the obligatoriness criterion and says that canonical arguments that are left
unexpressed require a definite interpretation, i.e. there must be an accessible
referent in the discourse context. Croft (2001: 276) calls this ‘definite
null instantiation’ and notes that pro-drop or null anaphora are examples
in point. He also argues that certain participants that can be syntactically
unexpressed (e.g. the direct object of win or lose, or directional
PPs with verbs such as arrive, etc.) are semantic arguments precisely
because they call for a definite interpretation whenever the object or the
directional PP is not overtly expressed. In contrast, temporal, spatial or other
circumstances that are not expressed in a clause can be freely identified by the
hearer without any restrictions. According to this criterion a non-expressed
agent in a passive construction would not count as a semantic argument because
it does not require a definite interpretation (Croft 2001: 279). This shows that
agents in passive constructions behave less canonically with regard to
argumenthood than agents in active constructions. Third Criterion: Co-occurrence
restrictions(C3) co-occurrence restrictions > unrestricted Canonical arguments are restricted in their co-occurrence to
particular predicates; they cannot be used with any predicate. Adjuncts, in
contrast, are free to occur with almost any predicates (cf. Matthews 1981:
124–125, 127; Radford 1988: 192, Comrie 1993, Croft 2001: 272, Koenig et
al. 2003: 72–75; Kroeger 2004: 11, Rákosi 2006: 109–113). It
is important to note that this criterion takes predicates and not NPs as the
starting point for distinguishing arguments from adjuncts. For instance, the
verb live requires its non-subject argument to be of a certain type,
namely a location that is eligible to serve as a living place. Such a
restriction is absent from the verb run, i.e. running events do not
necessarily occur in locations of a certain type (e.g. a gym), but can occur in
places that are actually not very suitable for running. The criterion has a morphosyntactic as well as a semantic side. On the
morphosyntactic side particular predicates require arguments to be marked, for
instance, with particular cases (see (T1) below). On the semantic side it means
that arguments are dependent on the meaning of the predicate: i.e. they receive
a semantic role assigned by the predicate. For example, the verb pour
requires the direct object to refer to a liquid, whereas the direct object of
take out cannot refer to a liquid. Arguments fulfill participant roles
that are required only by a restricted set of verbs. In contrast, the
participant roles of adjuncts fit most or even all verbs. Fourth Criterion: Grammatical
relations (C4) being a term > being a non-term This criterion is purely syntactic because it is exclusively
based on the notion of grammatical relations. It is therefore not applicable to
those languages that have been claimed to lack grammatical relations. Canonical
arguments are terms, i.e. subject, direct object, indirect object, whereas
adjuncts are always non-terms, i.e. oblique (van Valin 2001: 92, Kroeger 2005:
59). There are also arguments that are obliques, but they are less canonical
than those that are terms. Dummy subjects of weather expressions in some
languages, e.g. in the English sentence It is raining, are syntactic
arguments according to this criterion though they are not semantic
arguments. We said that the basic difference between arguments and adjuncts is that
arguments are somehow compulsory to complete the meaning of a predicate while
adjuncts provide extra information. From this follows that the number of
arguments of a verb is limited, whereas the number of adjuncts is basically free
(Przepiórkowski 1999: 255). This leads us to the next criterion,
iterability. Fifth Criterion:
Iterability(C5) non-iterable > iterable The iterability criterion is based on the supposition that
adjuncts can be added quite freely to any clause, whereas arguments cannot
(Vater 1978: 25–26). From this follows that two or more adjuncts of the
same type (e.g. temporal, spatial or manner) can combine with the same
predicate, e.g. We will meet today at nine o’clock in the evening.
Such a behavior is impossible for arguments (cf. Kroeger 2004: 11, Rákosi
2006: 101–104). By this criterion instrumental NPs are canonical arguments
and not adjuncts because they normally cannot be iterated (cf.
Przepiórkowski 1999: 267–268, Rákosi 2006:
106–107). There are many more conditions and tests out there that have been
employed in order to differentiate between arguments and adjuncts. Some of them
are treated below under the heading of ‘tendencies’. Other tests
seem to be quite language-specific or work only with some argument types and not
with others (cf. the comprehensive lists of tests in Vater 1987 and Helbig
1992). One rather famous series of tests that I do not take into consideration
are the do so-tests. The do so-tests aim at showing that arguments
and adjuncts differ in their structural configurations (i.e. arguments are
assumed to be sisters of heads, while adjuncts are realized higher in the tree)
and therefore can or cannot replaced by do so or do it or do
the same thing (Somers 1984, Radford 1988: 234–235, Helbig 1992: 80,
Culicover and Jackendoff 2005: 128–129). I remain agnostic about
configurational differences between arguments and adjuncts and thus do not take
configurations as a distinguishing criterion. Furthermore, it is not clear how
language specific do so-tests are, and some authors have shown that these
tests in fact fail to prove that arguments and adjuncts differ in their
configurations (cf. Przepiórkowski 1999: 290–310 for a
comprehensive overview on the literature and many counterexamples).
Another test proposed in the literature on the argument/adjunct
distinction that I also do not consider is to compare verbs for which the
determination of the argument structure is difficult to those verbs with a
similar meaning for which is it easier to determine the argument structure
(Somers 1984). Similarly, Comrie (1993) has proposed to take the behavior of
established arguments as a device with which new arguments might be detected (e.g. of predicates
for which the argument structure is unclear). If the new
elements behave like the established arguments then they can also be considered
arguments. Such a test, though it may be a helpful heuristic in practice, does
not say anything specific about the properties of arguments. In other words, it
cannot help us to construct a conceptual space within which we can anchor
canonical arguments and canonical adjuncts. 2.2 Diagnostic
tendenciesIn addition to the definitional criteria I present a list of
useful diagnostic tendencies concerning morphosyntactic properties that are
neither necessary nor sufficient to distinguish arguments from adjuncts, but
rather helpful starting points when approaching a new language. (T1) morphological encoding: fixed or uniform > variable
(T2) case marking: grammatical cases > semantic or
spatial cases (T3) marking by cases > marking by adpositions (T4) indexing on the verb: indexing > no indexing
(T5) accessibility to valency-changing processes:
accessible > not accessible (T6) position: restricted > unrestricted (T7) closeness to the verb: close > less close Canonical arguments have a fixed morphological encoding that
is not subject to variation (e.g. a specific case marker or adposition or
position in the clause) whereas the marking of adjuncts is more variable
(Rákosi 2006: 104–105). For those languages that distinguish
between grammatical and semantic (including spatial) cases, canonical arguments
are typically marked by the former and adjuncts by the latter (cf. the analysis
of Warlpiri in Andrews 2007: 161–164). Similarly, in a canonical
situation arguments are marked by cases whereas adjuncts are marked by
adpositions (Przepiórkowski 1999: 255). Since indexing on verbs is usually restricted, i.e. not all participants
are marked on verbs, but predominantly only subjects and objects, we can say
that in head-marking languages arguments rather than adjuncts will be indexed on
the verb.
(T5) is a consequence of the fact that canonical arguments are terms and
canonical adjuncts are non-terms. Typically, terms can undergo valency-changing
processes, and adjuncts cannot. For example, passivization possibilities in
English may be an indicator of argument status (Somers 1984: 515). In some languages arguments are placed closer to the verb than adjuncts
(Culicover and Jackendoff 2005:
130)[1] or are generally more
restricted than adjuncts with respect to their possible positions in the clause
(Helbig 1992: 83–84, Dowty 2000). In languages with more freedom of word
order there may be a tendency for positioning adjuncts at clausal boundaries.
However, even in languages with more rigid word order such restrictions may be
overridden if the arguments are heavy or part of focus constructions. 3. The Argument/Adjunct
Distinction in HinuqHinuq is one of the smallest Nakh-Daghestanian languages
belonging to the Tsezic subbranch of this family. The language is head-marking
and has a rich case inventory that can be divided into grammatical and spatial
cases. The grammatical cases are absolutive (no marking), ergative (-i),
first and second genitive (-s, -zo), dative (-z) and instrumental
(-d). The 36 spatial cases code spatial location and direction as well as
a number of grammatical meanings. The verb inventory consists of: (i) one-place predicates which are
simple intransitive verbs such as -aː- ‘cry’, or
-uhe- ‘die’; (ii) two-place predicates, and (iii) three-place
predicates. The two-place predicates are:
- ordinary transitive predicates (e.g. -ac’-
‘eat’, cax- ‘write’, -uː- make) [case
frame: ergative, absolutive]
- affective
predicates (e.g. -ike- ‘see’, toq- ‘hear’,
-eq’i- ‘know’, -aši- ‘find’,
-eti- ‘want’) [case frame: dative,
- extended intransitives (e.g.
huliː- ‘long for’, -eze- ‘look at’,
boži -iq- ‘believe in’, -eze-
(-iči-) ‘wait for’,
-egwe- ‘lose in’) [case frame: absolutive, spatial
The three-place predicates are ordinary ditransitive
predicates (e.g. neƛ-, toƛ- ‘give’,
-iker- ‘show’, -ik’- ‘beat’,
caƛi- ‘throw at’) [case frame: ergative, absolutive,
dative] and extended transitive predicates (e.g. -ece- ‘tie’,
-ati- ‘touch’, ese- ‘tell’, -ixi-
‘spread’) [case frame: ergative, absolutive, spatial case]. All
verbal predicates have at least one argument marked with the absolutive case.
At first glance, the division of the Hinuq verb inventory into valency
classes seems to be at odds with my position stated at the beginning of the
paper, namely that the argument/adjunct distinction is not categorical but
rather gradual. How is it possible to divide the Hinuq verbs into groups
according to the number of arguments that they have if there is no clear-cut
distinction between arguments and adjuncts? However, this is only an apparent
contradiction since the classification is based on canonical instances of the
valency classes. For every class there are at least a few canonical members
taking one, two or three arguments respectively. It might well be the case that
in practice many or even most of the Hinuq verbs behave non-canonically with
respect to the argument/adjunct distinction, but this does not prevent us from
establishing the valency classes. In the reminder of this paper I will discuss
predicates that behave rather non-canonically and whose class membership is
therefore difficult to establish. 3.1 The functional range of
spatial cases As already mentioned, Hinuq has a rather larger number of
spatial cases, which is typical for the Nakh-Daghestanian languages. These cases
express spatial meanings, but they are also widely used outside the spatial
domain (cf. Cysouw and Forker 2009, Forker 2010). In the following I will look
in more detail at two spatial cases, the AT-essive and the SPR-essive, thus
named because they respectively denote the location of a figure at/near/by and
on/over a ground. I will discuss six distinct functions of these cases with
regard to the argument/adjunct distinction. (i) Spatial and temporal
functions, mannerBoth cases express spatial relationships. The spatial
meaning of the AT-essive is rather unspecific and hard to grasp. It expresses
general location and direction (‘at, on, to, in, by’) (1a). Often
but not always contact between the located object and the location plays a role.
The SPR-essive expresses the location of a figure on or above the ground (1b).
In its spatial function it can co-occur with the postposition
ƛʼere ‘on’. (1a) | hayɬuy | čeq-za-qo | inaħzek’u-be | r-utto |
| 3sg.F.ERG | forest-OBL.PL-AT | mushroom-PL | NHPL-gather.PRS |
| ‘She gathered mushrooms in the woods.’ |
(1b) | hayɬu-zo | qʼimu-ƛʼo | b-ič-a | goɬ | mesed-li-š | ƛʼoqʼon |
| 3sg.F.OBL-GEN2 | head-SPR | III-be-INF | be | gold-OBL-GEN1 | hat(III) |
| ‘On her head there will be a golden crown.’ |
Both cases also denote the location of an event in time. The
SPR-essive is normally used when talking about the clock and specific time
points of situations (2a). The AT-essive only occurs in a few fixed temporal
expressions (2b). (2a) | hibayɬu=tow | ɣwed-ƛʼo | nesaː | y-aqʼ-o | hibaw |
| that.OBL=EMPH | day.OBL-SPR | in.the.evening | II-come-PRS | that |
| bercinawni | y-egwennu | ked |
| beautiful | II-young | girl(II) |
| ‘On that day in the evening the young beautiful girl
comes.’ |
(2b) | hibay | mecxer | qaħɬi-qo | hayɬu-y | b-oƛekko |
| there | money | dawn-AT | 3sg.N.OBL-ERG | III-put.out.PRS |
| ‘There in the morning it (i.e. the mouse) puts the money
out.’ |
Finally, the SPR-essive also expresses manner: (3) | xexɬi-ƛʼo | nox | hadi-r, | qešu | r-iƛʼi-yo=ƛen |
| speed-SPR | come | here-LAT | wall(V) | V-fall-PRS=QUOT |
| ‘Come here fast, the wall falls down.’ |
(ii) Extended intransitive
Both spatial cases are regularly used with certain extended
intransitive verbs. The AT-essive occurs with enekezi -iq-
‘listen’, -uƛʼ- ‘fear’,
-iɬi- ‘be similar’ (4a), and the SPR-essive with
boži -iq- ‘believe’, šakɬezi -iq-
‘doubt’, etc. (4b). Which case can be used is a lexical property of
the predicate in question. Only a few verbs allow for more than one case to be
used, e.g. the verb -eze- ‘look at’ co-occurs with NPs
bearing the AT-essive, the AT-lative or with those bearing the
SPR-essive. (4a) | y-aqʼe-n | hayɬo-zo | baru-qo | y-iɬi-š |
| II-come-UWPST | 3sg.M.OBL-GEN2 | wife-AT | II-be.similar-PTCP |
| šaytʼan-za-s | aqili |
| devil-OBL.PL-GEN1 | wife(II) |
| ‘A devil woman came, similar to his wife.’ |
(4b) | Maħama | Madina-ƛʼo | šakɬezi | Ø-iq-iš |
| Mahama(I) | Madina-SPR | doubt | I-happen-PST |
(iii) Extended transitive
verbsOnly the AT-essive is used with non-derived extended
transitive verbs. It marks addressees (5a) and temporal recipients (5b).
(5a) | šaytʼan-za-y | hayɬo-qo | moƛa-ɬ | eƛi-n |
| devil-OBL.PL-ERG | 3sg.M.OBL-AT | sleep.OBL-CONT | say-UWPST |
| ‘The devils told it to him during the sleep.’ |
(5b) | uži-y | ked-qo | toƛ-o | kʼoħlo, | haw | kʼošiliː-ž | goɬ |
| boy-ERG | girl-AT | give-COND | ball | 3sg.F | play-PURP | be |
| ‘If the boy gives the ball to the girl, she will
play.’ |
(iv) Constructions with the
Both cases are found in copula constructions with specific
functions. The AT-essive expresses temporary possessors (6a), and the SPR-essive
bearer of names (6b). (6a) | di-qo | tupi | goɬ |
| 1sg.OBL-AT | gun | be |
| ‘I have a gun.’ (Lit. ‘at /with me’) |
(6b) | di-ƛʼo | ce | goɬ | Madina |
| 1sg.OBL-SPR | name | be | Madina |
(v) Non-canonical
agentsThe AT-essive is the only case in Hinuq that can be used to
express non-canonical agents, namely causees, potential agents, involuntary
agents, and natural forces (cf. Forker 2013). (7) | ked-qo | zok’i | r-uhe-s |
| girl-AT | cup(V) | V-die-PST |
| ‘The girl accidentally broke the cup’ or ‘Because of
the girl the cup broke.’ |
(vi) Some more
constructionsThere are some more constructions that require the
SPR-essive. These include the expression of prices (8a), purposes or goals (8b)
and some other constructions (8c). (8a) | haɬo | xan-i | haɬo-qo-s | b-ux-o | haw | besuro | es-o | goɬa |
| this.OBL | khan-ERG | he.OBL-AT-ABL | III-buy-PRS | that | fish(III) | say-ICVB | be.PTCP |
| baha-mo-ƛʼo |
| price-OBL-SPR |
| ‘The khan bought the fish from him for the price that (he)
said.’ |
(8b) | Musa-y | q’or | boc’-ƛʼo | gor-iš |
| Musa-ERG | trap | wolf.OBL-SPR | put-PST |
| ‘Musa laid a trap for the wolf.’ |
(8c) | hibayɬu | boɬi-žo | surat-mo-ƛ’o | dew-de | aldoɣo | zoq’we-s | de |
| that.OBL | deer-GEN2 | image-OBL-SPR | 2sg.OBL-ALOC | in.front | be-PST | 1sg |
| ‘I was in front of you in the form of that deer.’ |
3.2 Testing criteria and
tendencies for Hinuq
Some of the NPs in question express what are typically
classified as adjuncts, e.g. (1a, b), (2a, b), and (3). Others seem closer to
arguments, e.g. (4b), (5a, b), and (7). All NPs bearing the AT-essive or the
SPR-essive have two common properties. First, they do not trigger verbal
agreement. Second, they mostly occur without postpositions. Only the spatial
usage allows for the insertion of postpositions. Whether a postposition can be
used and which one to choose depends on the context. In this section I will apply the criteria and tendencies to the noun
phrases bearing the AT-essive suffix -qo or the SPR-essive suffix
-ƛʼo and thus establish an argument-adjunct continuum for Hinuq
in which these noun phrases can be positioned. Initially, however, I will
mention two small caveats. First, Hinuq tends to drop all arguments that are
retrievable from the context, which makes the implementation of criterion
‘semantic obligatoriness’ slightly complicated. Second, the fourth
criterion ‘grammatical relations’ is not really applicable to Hinuq
and will be consequently left out because it can be argued that the language has
no grammatical relations such as subject, object and oblique in the traditional
sense (Forker 2011). This is in line with what is known about other
Nakh-Daghestanian languages, which are usually characterized as
‘role-dominated’ (cf. Haspelmath 1993: 294–299, Kibrik 1997,
2003, Ganenkov et al. 2008). The noun phrases expressing spatial (1a, b) and temporal circumstances
(2a, b) or manner (3) are not semantically or syntactically required to complete
the meaning of the predicate with which they can co-occur. If they are left out
then they do not require a definite interpretation. They are not the subject of
co-occurrence restrictions since one clause can contain more than one NP
specifying location, time or manner, which means that they are iterable. Hence
they come closest to canonical adjuncts. At the other end of the continuum are
NPs denoting non-canonical agents (7) and temporary possessors (6a). These NPs
are semantically and syntactically obligatory. They cannot be left out since
otherwise the meaning of the construction would be lost. For instance, if in (7)
the NP ked-qo ‘girl-AT’ was left unexpressed, the sentences
would merely have the interpretation ‘The cup broke’ without any
implication of an implicit non-canonical agent. Similarly, if in (6a)
diqo ‘I.AT’ would be lacking, the example could only be
translated with ‘There is a gun.’ Therefore, the latency requirement
does not apply to these types of NPs. This means that within the approach
advanced in this paper these two types of NPs are even more canonical than NPs
expressing agents or experiencers. Agents or experiencers are frequently left
unexpressed and then get a definite interpretation based on contextually
available referents. Most of the NPs marked with the AT-essive and the
SPR-essive are not iterable and fulfill participant roles required only by a
restricted set of verbs. For example, NPs expressing addressees, purposes,
prices, or recipients occur only once per predicate and co-occur only with
certain verbs, e.g. verbs of speech, verbs denoting transfer, etc. Table 1 provides an overview on how the NPs in examples (1)–(8)
pattern with respect to the defining criteria of the argument/adjunct
distinction. There are a number of cells in this table that cannot be reliably
filled based on the data that I have gathered so far. The question mark in this
table means that the relevant information is lacking or needs to be checked
again. # means that the criterion cannot be applied.
| Obligatoriness | Latency | Co-occurrence restrictions | Iterability | semantic | syntactic | Spatial / temporal / manner (1a, b), (2a, b), (3) | no | no | no | no | yes | Purpose (8b), image (8c) | no | no | no | yes? | no | Price (8a) | yes? | no | no | yes | ? | Name (6b) | yes | no? | yes | yes | no | Doubt (4b) | yes | no | yes | yes | no | Addressee / recipient (5a, b) | yes | no | yes | yes | no | Temporary possessor (6a) | yes | yes | # | yes | no | Non-canonical agent (7) | yes | yes | #/yes | yes | no |
Table 1: The behavior of NPs with AT-essive and SPR-essive
case suffixes
The overall impression is that the NPs positioned towards
the top of the table behave like canonical adjuncts, and those towards the
bottom like canonical arguments. This impression is strengthened when also taking
into account the diagnostic tendencies (Section 2.2). The morphological
encoding is in many cases fixed, e.g. non-canonical agents and temporary
possessors can only be marked with the AT-essive, the second argument of the
verb boži -iq- must be marked with the SPR-essive. In other cases,
however, there is a certain variation. For instance, temporary recipients can
also be marked with the AT-lative and addressees are also expressed with the
AT-lative and, occasionally, with the SPR-lative. None of the NPs in the
examples (1)–(8) can be subject to valency-changing processes, although
the non-canonical agents are partially the result of applying valence-changing
derivations to basic predicates. NPs bearing AT-essive or SPR-essive case do not
have a fixed position in the clause and need not to be close to the verb or far
away from the verb. I compared ergative-marked agents, absolutive-marked
patients, AT-essive-marked NPs and SPR-essive-marked NPs with respect to their
distance to the verb by counting 100 NPs respectively. The minimum distance is
0, meaning that no other arguments or adjuncts intervened. The maximum distance
attested in my texts is 4, i.e. four argument or adjuncts appear between the
verb and the respective NP. The results are: agent: 0.51, SPR-essive: 0.46,
AT-essive: 0.42 and patient: 0.21. This means that patients are usually the
closest elements, and agents occur usually not very close to the verb. NPs
marked with AT-essive and SPR-essive are in between, but closer to agents. In
natural texts the latter type of NPs mostly expresses adjuncts of the kind
illustrated in (1)–(3) which tend to be positioned at clausal boundaries
(1b), (2a), (3) or after the agent but before the patient (1a). When looking again at the example of the involuntary agent construction
in (7) one might be tempted to think that it looks very similar to free datives
in other languages (e.g. German Der Teller ist mir runtergefallen.
‘I accidentally dropped the
plate.’).[2] In this case we
could say that there is no special involuntary agent construction, but the NP in
the AT-essive simply enriches the meaning of the clause by adding an adjunct to
a clause containing an otherwise intransitive predicate. However, one of the
aims of this paper is to show that involuntary agents do behave differently from
spatial, temporal or manner adjuncts marked with spatial cases (see Table 1) and
precisely because they are less adjunct like. I consider the involuntary agent
construction to be a special construction type in its own right that belongs to
a larger family of non-canonical agent constructions. Other constructions
belonging to this family are potential constructions, natural force
constructions, and causative constructions. In most of the cases these
constructions are marked by means of verbal derivation. All non-canonical agents
in the constructions are marked with the AT-essive case and share a number of
other properties. Transitive verbs occurring in some of these constructions must
be detransitivized by means of the suffix -ɬ. In some cases it is
possible to have various readings for one and the same clause (9). If the
non-canonical agent in (9) would be omitted then a definite interpretation is
required just as with canonical agents. Canonical agents are also subject to
more serious co-occurrence restrictions than free datives since in most of the
cases the verbs must contain the appropriate derivational suffix. (9) | di-qo | boƛi-š | xu | r-ac’e-ɬ-iš |
| 1sg.OBL-AT | pig-GEN1 | meat(V) | V-eat-POT-PST |
| ‘I accidentally ate pork.’ or ‘I could eat
pork.’ |
4. ConclusionIn this paper I have applied the methods of canonical
typology to investigate the argument/adjunct distinction in general, and more
specifically with regard to the function of certain NPs in the Nakh-Daghestanian
language Hinuq. I have identified five criteria (obligatoriness, latency,
co-occurrence restrictions, grammatical relations, iterability) and a number of
morphosyntactic tendencies that are relevant for argument- vs. adjuncthood,
though this list might be modified and extended in the future. Canonical typology can be characterized as a top-down approach since we
start with defining canonical instances of constructions or terms independently
of whether they have been cross-linguistically attested or not. If we interpret
Table 1 in the spirit of canonical typology we can figure out which NPs behave
more as canonical arguments than other NPs. However, we can also take the table
as starting point for a multivariate analysis following Bickel (2010). In that
case we can ask which of the NPs are more similar to each other and whether
there are correlations between pairs of criteria that can be analyzed as
statistically implicational universals. For instance, temporary possessors and
non-canonical agents behave similarly, and with respect to the criteria in Table
1 almost identically. The NPs denoting purposes and images are also relatively
similar to NPs expressing prices. We can also ask which combinations of criteria
occur most frequently as property bundles of constructions. Of course, a
statistical analysis similar to the one that Bickel provides for the typology of
clause-linkage patterns requires a larger data set than that given in Table 1.
These additional questions go far beyond the canonical approach because the
existence of canonical instances of whatever construction is independent of
their frequency. Nevertheless, it seems to be a fruitful topic for future
research. Abbreviations
I-V gender and number prefixes, ABL ablative, ALOC animate
location, AT location ‘at, by’, COND conditional, CONT location
with contact, EMPH emphatic, ERG ergative, F feminine, GEN1 first Genitive,
GEN2 second genitive, ICVB imperfective converb, INF infinitive, M
masculine, NHPL non-human plural, OBL oblique stem marker, PL plural, POT
potential, PRS present, PST past, PTCP participle, PURP purposive, QUOT
quotative, SG singular, SPR location ‘on’, UWPST past
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Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
Lehrstuhl Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft / General
Obere Karolinenstraße 8
96049 Bamberg, Germany
[1]There can be a
difference between subjects and objects with respect to the position of the
verb. This means that at least in some languages, e.g. those which are strictly
verb final, objects are closer to the verb than subjects. In this case this
tendency only helps to identify object arguments but may fail to distinguish
between subject arguments and adjuncts. [2]I thank one reviewer
for pointing this out to me. |