Volume 8 Issue 1 (2010)
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Semantic Maps or Coding Maps?
Towards a unified account of the coding degree, coding
complexity, and coding distance of coordination relations
Caterina Mauri
University of Pavia
The aim of this paper is to explore the degree to which semantic
maps and conceptual spaces may comprehensively describe cross-linguistic
variation by discussing the types of phenomena that may be consistently
represented in a unified account. By analyzing the cross-linguistic coding of
coordination relations, it will be argued that the degree to which every
conceptual situation is explicitly coded by means of dedicated markers and the
cross-linguistic possibility that two conceptual situations are coded by means
of the same construction (coding degree) are not the only dimensions of
cross-linguistic variation that may be described on a semantic map. On the
contrary, it is possible to build a unified coding map accounting also for the
presence and morphophonological complexity of overt markers coding the
conceptual situations at issue (coding complexity). The integration of this
representation with the Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS) technique will provide a
representation for a further dimension of variation, namely the frequency with
which two conceptual situations are coded by means of the same marker across
languages (coding distance). It will be argued that the coding map and the MDS
map are compatible and complementary and therefore highlight the possibility of
building a unified representation of the coding degree, coding distance, and
coding complexity of coordination relations.
1. Introduction
1.2 Aim and
The aim of this paper is to explore the degree to which
semantic maps may comprehensively describe cross-linguistic variation and to
examine which types of phenomena may be consistently represented in a semantic
map. This theoretical and methodological issue will be discussed with reference
to the specific case of coordination relations so that the cross-linguistic
coding of combination (1), contrast (2), and alternative (3) between states of
(henceforth SoAs) will
exemplify the general arguments.
The summer ends,
and everybody goes
back to work.
The summer ends,
but many people are
still on holiday.
Are you coming to the cinema tonight,
or are you relaxing at home?
Traditional semantic maps are used to describe the
multifunctionality patterns of grammatical constructions by linking the
different values that a single form may have in a structured network of
functions (see Haspelmath 2003; Malchukov 2004). The basic idea of a semantic
map is to highlight the fact that a multifunctional form does not express random
meanings—these meanings are organized in an orderly way. Namely,
multifunctional forms are used for functions that are contiguous on the semantic
map. Based on the iconicity principle that recurrent similarity in form reflects
similarity in meaning (Haiman 1985:26), this contiguity is taken to be an
indicator of the functional proximity between the given functions.
Croft (2003:144-52) makes a distinction between
semantic map,
which represents the multifunctionality of a given construction in a given
language, and
conceptual space, an overall representation showing which
conceptual situations may be expressed by the same construction across
languages. In this work, the labels ‘semantic map’ and
‘conceptual space’ will be used according to Croft’s
assessment. The organization of functions in a conceptual space represents
universal relations among constructions coding these functions, thus allowing
for the identification of restrictions on cross-linguistic variation.
In this paper the following question will be addressed: are semantic
maps and conceptual spaces restricted to the representation of recurrent
multifunctionality, or could they be structured in such a way that further
cross-linguistic predictions can be made? In other words, the problem at issue
is whether the motivations underlying regular multifunctionality patterns are
the same principles at work in regular cross-linguistic variation of other
morphosyntactic phenomena like the presence vs. the absence of overt markers and
their morphophonological complexity. If the functional motivations underlying
semantic maps and certain implicational hierarchies are proven to be
homogeneous, it should be possible to organize functions in a conceptual space
in such a way that their respective location constrains not only the possible
multifunctionality patterns but also the possible cross-linguistic variation of
other morphosyntactic phenomena.
In this paper, such a unified representation will be proposed for the
cross-linguistic coding of coordination relations, and the label
coding map’ will be introduced to indicate this more complex
descriptive model. The typological research on coordination is based on a
convenience sample of 74 languages,[2]
37 European languages (EUROPEAN sample), and 37 from the rest of the world
(COMPARISON sample), examined by means of descriptive grammars and
questionnaires filled out by native speakers (see Mauri,
The discussion will be organized as follows. First, the relevant
definitions and the parameters of analysis will be explained (section 1.2). In
section 2, the implicational patterns of variation attested in the coding of the
interclausal relations of combination, contrast, and alternative will be
examined together with the functional motivations underlying them. In section 3,
the elaboration of the unified coding map of coordination relations will be
described (section 3.1) and the Multi-Dimensional Scaling technique (MDS, cf.
Cysouw 2007; Wälchli 2007) will be used to integrate a further dimension
into the map, i.e. the frequency with which each couple of relations is coded by
means of the same overt marker (section 3.2). In section 4 some conclusive
remarks on the theoretical and methodological implications of this integrated
model will be discussed.
1.2 Definitions and parameters
of analysis: coordination relations under examination
A coordination relation between two SoAs is defined as a
relation established between functionally equivalent SoAs, that is, SoAs which
have the (i) same semantic function (cf. Haspelmath 2004a: 34),
(ii) autonomous cognitive profiles (neither is presented in the
perspective of the other, cf. Langacker 1987:484), and (iii) are both
coded by utterances characterized by the presence of some illocutionary force
(cf. Verstraete 2005:613; Cristofaro 2003:30). A given construction is thus
defined as coordinating when it is used to establish a coordination relation
independently of its morphosyntactic properties (see Mauri, 2008b for a detailed
The three coordination relations under examination are
contrast, and
alternative. Each of these
relations may in turn be further classified into more specific subtypes. Based
on the location of the SoAs on the temporal axis (see example (4)), combination
may be SEQUENTIAL if the SoAs are located at successive points along the time
axis, SIMULTANEOUS, if the SoAs are located at the same point on the time axis,
or ATEMPORAL, if the location of the SoAs is outside the temporal axis or is
simply irrelevant (the SoAs may be either sequential or simultaneous without
affecting the relation itself, cf. discussion in Lakoff 1971:115-129; Longacre
‘I opened the door and went
‘He is dancing and clapping his
‘Doctors are rich, and lawyers marry
pretty girls.’
Any contrast relation implies a conflict, and depending on
the origin of the conflict, the relation may be classified as oppositive,
corrective, or counterexpectative (see example (5)). An OPPOSITIVE contrast is
generated by the comparison of two somewhat opposite and symmetric SoAs (cf.
Haspelmath 2007). A CORRECTIVE contrast is determined by the denial of the first
SoA and its substitution by the second one. Finally, a COUNTEREXPECTATIVE
contrast is characterized by the denial of some expectation, either generated by
the first SoA or by the context (cf. Scorretti 1988; Lang
‘I bought a pair of shoes, whereas Sue
found a skirt.’
‘He did not run upon the hill
but simply walked slowly and
following the rest of
the group.’
‘John is tall, but he is not good at
Finally, any alternative relation implies a choice at a
certain point, but this choice need not be immediate. The aim with which an
alternative relation is established distinguishes between a choice-aimed
relation and a simple alternative relation (see example (6)). If the relation is
established in order to define a set of options
without the explicit
request for a choice, it is called SIMPLE alternative. On the other hand, if it
is established
in order to ask for an immediate choice, it is called
CHOICE-AIMED alternative (cf. Haspelmath 2007; Mauri 2008a).
‘Usually, I watch TV, or I read until
late at night.’
‘Are you coming with us, or are you
staying here?’
The cross-linguistic coding of the aforementioned relations
may be studied with respect to a number of different aspects such as the
syntactic parallelism of the construction (cf. Johannessen 1998, Mauri 2008b) or
the presence of ellipsis phenomena (see van Oirsow 1987). For the aim of this
paper, however, the only parameters under examination are those concerning
whether and
how the specific relation is coded. In other words, we
will compare the means by which the various coordination relations are overtly
indicated, i.e. coded, across languages.
First of all, the
coding complexity will be examined. Two
questions are at issue here: (i) the presence of an overt coordinating
marker (distinguishing between asyndetic (7a) vs. syndetic (7b) constructions)
and, when a marker is present, (ii) its morphophonological complexity.
Chechen, Nakho-Daghestanian, Caucasic (Jeschull 2004:252-253)
‘The wind started to howl, and the blizzard turned
b. |
[…] |
peetar-ie |
Juxa-vaxaniehw |
chai |
’a |
mer |
dara, |
byysa |
’a |
joaqq-ur |
jara |
[…] |
inn-ALL |
tea |
drink.FUT |
be.IMPF |
night |
spend-FUT |
be.IMPF |
‘[...] if we had returned to the inn, we could have drunk tea
and spent the night […]’
The morphophonological complexity of the attested markers is
measured on the basis of the following parameters: syntactic bondedness, number
of syllables, and number of morphemes, distinguishing respectively between free
vs. bound marker, mono- vs. poly-syllabic marker, and mono- vs. poly-morphemic
marker. As exemplified in Table 1, the complexity of every marker consists of
the sum of these parameters.
tandis que
Table 1: Morphophonological complexity of the attested
coordinating markers. + = presence of the given feature; – = absence of
the given feature.
Secondly, the
coding degree of each relation is taken
into account. The coding degree is determined by (i) the degree to which
every coordination relation is explicitly coded by means of dedicated markers
(as opposed to non-dedicated ones), and (ii) the degree to which
different coordination relations are likely to be coded by means of the same
construction across languages. Following a form-to-function direction of
analysis, the counterpart of the coding degree is the
semantic domain,
that is, the set of coordination relations that may be expressed by each
construction. The semantic domain is what is traditionally considered in the
construction of a conceptual space because it identifies multifunctional
(general) and monofunctional (dedicated) markers and allows description of the
attested polysemy patterns.
Example (8) from Somali exemplifies the use of two dedicated markers,
one for the simple alternative relation (8a) and the other for the choice-aimed
alternative relation (8b). The English translations in (8), on the other hand,
show the use of the same general marker
or, whose semantic domain
includes both simple and choice-aimed alternative relations.
Somali, Cushitic, Afro-Asiatic
‘Either he will bring it,
or he will send it.’
(Saeed 1993:275)
‘Are you going,
or are you staying?’ (Saeed
Data show significant cross-linguistic variation both in the
coding degree and in the coding complexity of coordination relations. However,
this variation is not random but is constrained by a number of implicational
patterns. In the next section, the attested patterns will be described together
with the functional motivations underlying them. It will be argued that the
coding degree (i.e. the attested multifunctionality patterns) and the coding
complexity of coordination relations (i.e. the presence and morphophonological
complexity of coordinating markers) may be explained with reference to the same
functional principles.
2. Cross-Linguistic Patterns of
Variation: Implicational Hierarchies and Semantic Maps
2.1 Coding complexity of
coordination relations
On the basis of the presence of an overt marker, the
attested cross-linguistic variation may be described by the implicational
patterns in (a) and (b) (see Mauri, 2008b for more examples and a detailed
discussion of the individual languages).
The combination-contrast coding implication:
Syndesis for sequential, simultaneous, atemporal combination,
oppositive contrast, corrective contrast → Syndesis for counterexpectative contrast.
According to (a), in a given language the presence of an
(optional) overt marker to express one of the three combination relations,
oppositive, and corrective contrast implies the presence of an overt marker for
the expression of counterexpectative contrast as well. Table 2 shows the
attested language types.
Table 2: Overt markers for combination and contrast
relations: cut-off points in the combination-contrast coding implication. + = presence of an overt marker; – = absence of an overt marker.
In (9) the Georgian asyndetic construction normally employed
for correction (9a) is contrasted with the syndetic construction used to express
the counterexpectative contrast (9b), where the denial of an expectation is
overtly signaled by the coordinating marker
Georgian, Kartvelian, Caucasic
‘Peter is not studying in his room,
but he is playing in
the garden.’ (M.T., questionnaire)
‘I’m very thirsty,
but I don’t like orange
juice.’ (M.T., questionnaire)
The combination-alternative coding implication:
Asyndesis for simple alternative
asyndesis for temporal and atemporal combination, asyndesis for choice-aimed
According to (b), in a given language, if a simple
alternative relation is normally expressed with an asyndetic construction, such
a strategy will be available also for the expression of temporal and atemporal
combination relations and for the choice-aimed alternative. In Table 3 the
attested language types are shown.
Table 3: Overt markers for
combination and alternative relations: cut-off point in the
combination-alternative coding implication. + = presence of an overt
marker; – = absence of an overt marker.
In example (10), Malayalam exemplifies the coexistence in
the same language of a syndetic construction for the simple alternative relation
(10a), in which the overt marker
alleŋkil is used, and an asyndetic
construction for the expression of the choice-aimed alternative (10b). In (10b)
the choice-aimed alternative relation is inferred from the juxtaposition of two
interrogative clauses.
Malayalam, Tamil-Kannada, Dravidian (Asher and Kumari
‘You can lie here,
or you can lie on the
‘Did Raman come yesterday,
or did he not come?’
Implications (a) and (b) may be explained with reference to
the principle of
syntagmatic economy: that which is already inferable
from the context needs no further specification (cf. Haiman 1985:159). The
coding of the various types of combination, contrast, and alternative is
connected to the degree to which every relation can be inferred from the
context. Specifically, the easier a relation is to infer, the less it needs to
be overtly marked.
Let us now start with implication (a): combination relations,
opposition, and correction are more easily inferable than counterexpectative
contrast, and are thus more likely to be expressed without any overt marker. On
the one hand, in order to infer a combination relation, the hearer is simply
required to identify the two SoAs as cooccurring within a common frame, without
any further specification regarding the nature of the cooccurrence. On the other
hand, in order to infer a contrast relation, the hearer is required to identify
a conflict between the SoAs. However, certain types of conflict are more easily
inferable than others.
Opposition and correction are both characterized by a conflict inherent
in the semantics of the linked SoAs, which can be easily inferred even without
an explicit marker. In the case of opposition, the conflict depends on the
antonymic relation existing in some way between the two SoAs, which are
presented as opposite facets of the same scene (11). In the case of correction,
the conflict is determined by the opposite polarity of the two clauses: the
first SoA is overtly negated, while the second SoA is positively asserted as a
substitute for the first one
(Tomorrow we have a conference...)
I am working, you are relaxing in
front of the TV!
He did not come here to visit London; he
came for a conference.
Counterexpectative contrast, on the other hand, is less easy
to infer from the simple juxtaposition of two SoAs. In this case the conflict is
not inherent in the semantics of two antithetic SoAs, but originates from a
contradiction between the semantics of one SoA and some expectation activated by
the other SoA or by the context of communication, identified through an
inferential process.
If the SoAs are simply juxtaposed as in (13), even if the
speaker’s intention is to establish a counterexpectative contrast between
the SoAs, the hearer may happen to establish a relation between the SoAs
involving no conflict at all (cf. the sequential interpretation in
The UN forces have arrived in Lebanon, ten
civilians died this morning.
[The UN forces have arrived in Lebanon
ten civilians died this morning]
[The UN forces have arrived in Lebanon
ten civilians died this morning].
The interaction between the degree of inferability and
syntagmatic economy also explains implication (b). The reason why combination
relations are easy to infer has already been stated and depends on the very
nature of the relation. On the other hand, the reason why a choice-aimed
alternative is easier to infer than a simple alternative is that the former
always occurs in interrogative sentences, while the latter is commonly
established in declarative sentences, and an alternative is more easily inferred
from the juxtaposition of two interrogative clauses, than from the juxtaposition
of two declarative clauses. When two SoAs that stand in semantic contrast are
juxtaposed in a declarative sentence, this may easily be for reasons other than
the existence of an alternative relation between the two (e.g. a relation of
sequentiality or simultaneity, assuming the co-occurrence of the SoAs, cf. (11),
(12) and (13)). On the other hand, if the SoAs are encoded by two juxtaposed
interrogative clauses, this means that they are questioned, and the speaker does
not know if they actually occur. Since they are not presented as actually
occurring, the reason for presenting the two SoAs together will hardly be that
they are linked in a relation of temporal/causal sequentiality. Consequently,
they will be most easily interpreted as alternatives (see Mauri 2008a for a
detailed discussion).
On the basis of the morphophonological complexity of the attested
coordinating markers, the cross-linguistic variation may be described by the
implicational patterns in (c) and (d).
The combination-contrast coding complexity hierarchy:
Dedicated and general marker for combination relations > general
marker expressing contrast relations > dedicated marker for a contrast
The hierarchy in (c) states that dedicated markers encoding
a specific contrast relation (counterexpectative, oppositive, or corrective
contrast) are at least as complex as the general markers used for contrast
relations (but no combination relation), i.e. markers employed for corrective
and counterexpectative contrast, such as English
but or French
mais. These general contrast markers are in turn at least as complex as
dedicated and general markers used to express at least one combination relation.
Some examples are shown in Table 4.
tandis que
i, a
’a, tq’a
Table 4: The combination-contrast coding complexity
hierarchy: attested complexity patterns. – = absence of the given
The combination-alternative coding complexity
Marker used for at least one alternative relation → marker used for at least one combination relation.
The implication in (d) states that overt markers used to
express alternative relations, either general or dedicated, are at least as
morphophonologically complex as the markers used to express at least one
combination relation. Table 5 presents some examples of the attested complexity
i, a
i, a
Table 5: The combination-alternative coding complexity
hierarchy: attested complexity patterns. – = absence of the given
Implications (c) and (d) may be explained on the basis of
the economic principle of
form-function asymmetry, according to which the
more general a connective is (i.e. the more relations it may express), the lower
its degree of morphophonological complexity (cf. Kortmann 1997:123-36). The
principle at work is Zipf’s Law of Abbreviation of Words, which is in turn
a manifestation of the more general principle of syntagmatic economy. As Zipf
(1949:66-133) argues, the frequency of use of a linguistic expression correlates
inversely with its formal complexity,
directly with its semantic
directly with the number of contexts in which it may occur,
directly with its age (cf. Kortmann 1997:127-128).
On the one hand, frequency of use is a consequence of
multifunctionality. The higher the number of relations a marker may express
(i.e. the more general it is), the higher the number of contexts where it may
occur and, consequently, the more frequent it will be in discourse. Its
phonological substance will thus be eroded, leading to morphophonologically
simple forms. Therefore, general markers expressing more than one coordination
relation tend to be structurally simpler than dedicated ones (cf. implication
On the other hand, frequency in discourse may also be the consequence of
basic semantics. The more basic and semantically unspecified a conceptual
relation is, the more it tends to correlate with high frequency of use. Since
combination is the simplest coordination relation, it is the most frequently
attested in discourse (Ohori 2004:61), and this is why markers used to express
at least one combination relation, either general or dedicated, tend to be
simpler than markers used to express contrast and alternative (cf. implications
(c) and (d)).
The cross-linguistic variation described in (a)-(d) highlights three
main phenomena: (i) counterexpectative contrast and simple alternative
relations are less easy to infer from simple juxtaposition and are therefore
more likely to be coded by means of overt markers (cf. implications (a) and
(b)); (ii) combination markers which express the most basic and
unspecified relations are structurally simpler than both contrast and
alternative markers (cf. implications (c) and (d)); (iii) general markers
expressing more than one coordination relation are structurally simpler than
dedicated ones (cf. implication (c)).
To conclude, the coding complexity of coordination relations is directly
influenced by the interaction of syntagmatic economy with the degree of semantic
specificity and inferability of the relation.
2.2 Coding degree of
coordination relations: semantic maps (the traditional way)
Let us now examine the coding degree of coordination
relations. On the basis of the attested semantic domains, it is possible to
separately compare combination with contrast and alternative.
Combination and contrast markers show recurrent overlapping polysemy
patterns across languages, pointing to the linear combination-contrast
conceptual space exemplified in Fig. 1.
Figure 1: Combination-contrast conceptual space and
individual semantic maps. – = no overt marker.
At the top of Fig. 1, the order in which
the different relations follow each other in the conceptual space is
represented. Below, some of the attested semantic domains are shown. Every
marker occurs inside a box whose extension covers all the relations on the
conceptual space that may be expressed by the given marker. For instance, the
box of the marker kae in Fig. 1 spans over simultaneous and atemporal
combination, and oppositive, corrective and counterexpectative contrast. The
whole of these relations constitutes the semantic domain of the general Tuvaluan
marker kae.
What a conceptual space is able to show is the degree to
which certain conceptual situations are likely to be coded by means of the same
strategy across languages, and this is mirrored by the respective location of
the conceptual situations in the space. The underlying semantic maps, on the
other hand, show the degree to which every conceptual situation is explicitly
coded by means of a dedicated marker (as opposed to a multifunctional one) in a
given language. Fig. 1 thus provides a unified picture of the coding degree of
combination and contrast relations. If a coordinating marker is used to express
more than one combination or contrast relation, it will convey relations that
are contiguous on the conceptual space. Therefore, if a general marker is used
to express relations that do not stand next to each other in the space, it will
also be able to express the relations located in between.
A slightly different semantic map is proposed by Malchukov (2004:178)
within a general cross-linguistic analysis of the recurrent polysemy patterns
shown by coordinating connectives. The set of relations examined by Malchukov is
wider than the one considered in this study, and encompasses mirative,
concessive, and comitative relations, which have not been taken into account in
this research. Restricting the comparison between Malchukov’s map and the
map proposed in Fig. 1 to the relations they have in common, a major difference
must be noted, namely the position of corrective contrast with respect to
oppositive and counterexpectative contrast. On the one hand, in both maps the
oppositive relation is located between combination and counterexpectative
contrast. On the other hand, however, in the combination-contrast conceptual
space proposed in the present study, corrective contrast is placed between the
oppositive and the counterexpectative relation, whereas in Malchukov’s map
it is only linked to opposition, thus leaving oppositive and counterexpectative
contrast next to each other (Malchukov 2004:178).
The difference between Malchukov’s assessment and the
combination-contrast conceptual space proposed in Fig. 1 is a direct consequence
of Malchukov’s different treatment of sentences like (14a). In this work,
following Lang (2000), such sentences are regarded as examples of
counterexpectative contrast relations in which the denied expectation lies
within the context (i.e. a shared expectation that Paul and Mike are both rich).
Opposition has instead been defined as a symmetric contraposition of two somehow
antonymic situations, without the negation of any expectation (usually conveyed
by markers such as
while/whereas, as in (14b)).
a. |
Paul is rich, but Mike is
(CONTEXT: As for Paul and Mike, are they both
b. |
Paul is rich, whereas Mike is
(CONTEXT: As for Paul and Mike, what is their
Malchukov (2004:179-84), on the other hand, regards
sentences like (14a) as instances of oppositive contrast, following
Lakoff’s (Lakoff 1971) definition of ‘semantic opposition’.
Therefore, in his account of contrast markers, the English connective
is examined as expressing denial of an expectation, correction, and also
opposition. In particular, he states that this marker is able to express
counterexpectative and corrective contrast, which are distant on the map he
proposes, insofar as it may also be used to express opposition, which is located
between the corrective and the counterexpectative contrast (Malchukov 2004:184,
193; for a detailed comparison of the two assessments see Mauri 2008b:203-206).
A detailed discussion of the reasons underlying the respective order in
which the relations are located in the conceptual space in Fig. 1 is provided in
Mauri (2008b: chapters 4 and 6). It suffices here to point out that the
closeness of two relations in the space is due to their functional proximity.
The functional proximity of two relations depends (i) on whether they
share some conceptual features, (ii) on the frequency with which they are
associated in discourse, and (iii) on the degree to which they can be
easily inferred from each other.
For instance, simultaneous and atemporal combination are functionally
close because they both denote a non-conflicting co-occurrence of two SoAs that
do not have a reciprocal order. As a consequence, simultaneous and atemporal
combination are often associated in discourse and contraposed to sequential
combination. The functional proximity of atemporal combination and opposition is
due to the symmetric structure that the two relations share and, most
importantly, to the fact that opposition is often inferred from an atemporal
combination (see Mauri 2008b and below). Opposition and correction share the
presence of a conflict generated by the antonymic semantics of the linked SoAs
(cf. discussion in section 2.1). Finally, the corrective and the
counterexpectative contrast are functionally close because they share the
presence of an expectation to deny. A corrective relation is established between
two SoAs when the first one has been previously asserted in the context of
communication or if there is a shared expectation for it to be true. The
corrective relation thus consists of the explicit denial of that expectation,
with the substitution of the wrong SoA with the correct one. On the other hand,
in the counterexpectative contrast the expectation is implicit in the sentence
itself or in the context.
Relations that are contiguous in the conceptual space may each be
further specifications of the other. For instance, the two relations of
atemporal combination and opposition only differ with respect to the degree of
attention paid to the differences existing between the linked SoAs. This in turn
depends on whether emphasis is placed on the co-occurrence of the SoAs as such
(leading to a combination reading) or on the specification of this co-occurrence
as a conflicting one. In general, any contrast relation implies that the SoAs
are first of all combined and that this combination is further specified as
somehow conflicting.
Let us now compare the coding degree of combination and alternative
relations. Combination and alternative tend to be coded by means of completely
different markers, thus showing a reduced semantic overlap. This is basically
due to the fact that the two relations differ in a fundamental respect.
Combination and contrast relations imply the co-occurrence of two
while an alternative relation
implies the
non-co-occurrence of the linked SoAs, which are instead
presented as replaceable possibilities. Therefore combination and alternative
relations are functionally very distant from each other.
Yet, in languages with no overt equivalent to
or, combination and
alternative are expressed by means of the same construction, namely alternative
is systematically conveyed through the combination of possibilities. In such
cases, the potential (rather than actual) status of each combined SoA is
obligatorily marked by means of an irrealis marker (like the conditional marker
mo in (15a) or the dubitative adverb
‘perhaps’ in (15b)).
Wari’, Chapacura-Wanam (Everett and Kern 1997:162) |
(15) |
a. |
Mo |
ta |
pa’ |
ta’ |
hwam |
ca, |
Mo |
ta |
pa’ |
ta’ |
carawa |
ca |
kill |
fish |
3SG.M |
kill |
animal |
3SG.M |
‘Either he will fish or he will hunt.’ (lit. ‘if
he (says) “I will kill fish”, if he (says) “I will kill
animals”.’) |
b. |
3SG. M
3SG. M
‘Either he will live or he will die.’ (lit.‘perhaps
he will live, perhaps he will die’)
In other words, in order for an alternative relation to be
conveyed, either a connective coding the alternative relation or some overt
irrealis marker is necessary (see Mauri 2008a for further discussion). If no
overt connective of alternative is used, each SoA must display an irrealis
marker and is therefore presented as possible, rather than occurring or
realized, and the relation of alternative is inferred from the combination of
two irrealis SoAs.
To sum up, the motivations underlying the degree to which the different
coordination relations are likely to be coded by means of the same construction
are to be looked for in the functional proximity of the various relations. The
more conceptual features two relations share, the more frequently they will be
associated in discourse and the more easily they will be inferred from each
other. This has been argued to have diachronic implications. As pointed out by
Croft et al. (1987), if a given construction acquires a new function, it will
not randomly jump to a distant meaning but will extend gradually, including the
closest functions on the conceptual space
To conclude, the degree of semantic specificity and reciprocal
inferability of two coordination relations is closely connected to their
functional proximity. Let us now examine how the interconnections between these
factors may be represented in a unified account.
3. An Integrated Account: From
Semantic to Coding Maps
In section 2 it was argued that cross-linguistic variation
in the coding of coordination relations is constrained by implicational
patterns, both with regard to their coding degree and to their coding
complexity. Furthermore, the motivations underlying these regular patterns of
variation have been proven to be homogeneous since they basically depend on the
interaction of the general principle of syntagmatic economy with the semantic
properties of the various relations. In particular, the coding degree of two
coordination relations depends on their functional proximity, and the coding
complexity of two overt markers depends on the degree of semantic specificity
and inferability of the relations they express. These three dimensions, in turn,
are closely intertwined, since the degree to which two relations are
functionally close is strictly connected to how semantically specified they are,
and to the degree to which they may be easily inferred from each other.
Therefore, it is possible to organize coordination relations in a
conceptual space in such a way that not only their functional proximity is
represented, but also so that the different degrees of inferability and semantic
specificity become visible. As a consequence, the phenomena that may be
consistently predicted from such a conceptual space include, besides the
possible multifunctionality patterns, also the presence of overt markers coding
each function and their degree of morphophonological complexity.
This unified representation is not simply a
semantic map
accounting for the respective semantic organization of the relations, but it may
be reasonably called a
coding map because it also accounts for those
properties of cross-linguistic coding that specifically concern whether and how
the relations are explicitly coded across languages. Let us now see how the
coding map of coordination relations is realized.
3.1 The twofold hierarchical
coding map of coordination relations
The semantic domains of the attested coordinating markers
point to a neat
bipartition within the coordination conceptual space
which separately relates combination to contrast and to alternative. On the one
hand, the functional proximity between combination and contrast relations is
higher than between combination and alternative. On the other hand, it is
possible to identify in both cases polysemous constructions, even though in the
expression of alternative the only polysemous constructions attested are
characterized by the absence of an overt connective (but have obligatory
irrealis markers, cf. (15)).
A hierarchical coding map is proposed in Fig. 2, based on (i) the
functional proximity between the various coordination relations as manifested in
the attested multifunctionality patterns, and (ii) on their different
degrees of semantic specificity and inferability as manifested in the attested
implicational patterns of coding complexity. The coding map is structured along
two perpendicular axes of increasing semantic specificity, their origin being in
the combination relation.
Fig. 2 describes a number of phenomena. First of all, combination,
contrast, and alternative do not stand on the same level. Rather, combination is
semantically less specified and more basic than the other two relations, and
this is why it is located near the origin of the axes. Contrast and alternative
are represented as further semantic specifications of the basic relation of
combination. A combination of SoAs may be specified in terms of some
discontinuity (Givón 1990:849) producing a contrast, or it may be
specified in terms of the irreality of the SoAs it links, producing a set of
alternative possibilities.
horizontal axis is meant to show that (i) contrast
implies some discontinuity between the linked SoAs, and this in turn implies
that they are first of all combined; (ii) the notion of alternative as
such implies the combination of two irrealis SoAs, i.e. the SoAs are jointly
presented as a set of possibilities (cf. example (15)) which may then be further
specified as replaceable alternatives. The
vertical axis, on the other
hand, is meant to show the specifications internal to each coordination relation
(i.e. the sub-types of combination, contrast and alternative at issue). The
further away from both the vertical and the horizontal axis a relation is
located in the figure, the more semantically specified it is, along two
hypothetical diagonals going from the origin of the axes towards the bottom
right and the top right corners of the figure. The more semantically specified a
relation is, the less easy it is to infer from simple juxtaposition.
The coding map in Fig. 2 predicts a number of phenomena. First, the
order in which coordination relations occur from left to right mirrors the
attested multifunctionality patterns described in section 2.2. Therefore, like
traditional conceptual spaces, it predicts that if a construction is used for
more than one coordination relation, it will be used for relations that are
contiguous along the horizontal axis of the space (cf. section 2.2).
Figure 2: The twofold hierarchical coding map of coordination
Second, based on the increasing degree of semantic
specificity, Fig. 2 predicts that, other things being equal, the closer a
relation is to the bottom right corner or to the top right corner of the space,
the more difficult it will be to infer and, consequently, the more likely it
will be expressed by means of overt markers. Conversely, the closer a relation
is to the origin of the axes, the easier it will be to infer and the more likely
it will be expressed by means of asyndetic constructions (cf. implications (a)
and (b)).
Third, the more basic and semantically unspecified a relation is, the
more it correlates with a high frequency of use, and the markers coding it tend
to undergo phonological erosion. Therefore, the closer a relation is to the
origin of the axes in Fig. 2, the simpler will be the morphophonology of the
markers coding it; the further it is from both the vertical and the horizontal
axis, the more complex dedicated markers coding it will be (cf. implications (c)
and (d)).
The implicational patterns of cross-linguistic variation described in
2.1 are thus predictable along the diagonals of Fig. 2, and the implicational
patterns of mutifunctionality described in 2.2 are predictable along the
horizontal axis of the coding map.[7]
Conceptual spaces and semantic maps as traditionally conceived are
representations of the attested polysemy patterns, and as such they represent
the cross-linguistic possibility that two conceptual elements are coded by means
of the same construction, i.e. their coding degree. The coding map proposed in
this section integrates the representation of the functional proximity of the
conceptual elements with their respective degree of semantic specificity, thus
predicting the possible cross-linguistic patterns of both coding degree and
coding complexity. Let us now see how this coding map may be further enriched
with the representation of the
coding distance between the various
coordination relations at issue.
3.2 Highlighting the coding
distance: the experiment of a MDS visualization
The coding map in Fig. 2 does not represent frequency, i.e.
whether a given polysemy pattern occurs once, rarely, or frequently in the
sample. For instance, in languages with an overt marker for atemporal
combination, both atemporal combination and opposition may
always be
expressed by means of the same marker (i.e. every language in the sample shows
at least one strategy that may be used for both relations) by virtue of their
being easily inferable from each other and frequently associated in discourse.
Correction and counterexpectative contrast are
frequently expressed by
means of the same overt marker, but there are a significant number of languages
that convey the two relations by means of distinct markers. On the other hand,
atemporal combination and choice-aimed alternative are
never expressed by
means of the same overt marker: the only strategy they may share is
Yet, these differences are not visible on the coding map in Fig. 2, nor
are they visible in traditional conceptual spaces. A possible way to represent
the frequency with which each couple of relations is coded by means of the same
overt marker in the sample is to give frequency a mathematical value and
visualize it through the Multi-Dimensional Scaling technique (MDS, see Cysouw
2007; Wälchli 2007).
Before analyzing the results in Fig. 3, let us briefly examine the
methodology adopted in the assignment of the mathematical values. For any pair
of coordination relations under examination, the constructions attested to
express them in each language of the sample are compared. Given two relations
x and
y, the following cases are possible:
(i) the language uses the
same marker
A for
x and
y. In this case, the distance value is zero.
(ii) the language uses two
different markers
A and
B for
x and
In this case, the distance value is
(iii) the language uses the
same marker
A for
y but also shows dedicated markers for each relation (
x, and
D for
y). In this case, the distance value is
(iv) the language uses the
same marker
A for
x and
y but also shows one dedicated marker for one of the two relations (e.g.
C for
x). In this case the distance value is 0.25.
Figure 3: A Multi-Dimensional Scaling Visualization of the
coordination conceptual space.
For every pair of coordination relations, the average of the
distance values is calculated (average = sum of the distance values
divided by the total number of languages in which both relations receive overt
coding, i.e. the cases of juxtaposition are not included in the calculation).
The result is a dissimilarity matrix of 8 x 8 cells which constitutes the input
of PerMap, a specific application for Multi-Dimensional Scaling. The output is
the bidimensional figure shown in Fig. 3, in which the eight coordination
relations examined are represented by circles and their respective distance
corresponds to the frequency with which they are coded by means of the same
marker across languages (i.e.
coding distance).
The MDS visualization in Fig. 3 nicely repeats the twofold structure
identified in the coding map (Fig. 2) and makes the different
between the individual coordination relations visible. The degree
to which two relations are close on the map is directly proportional to the
probability of whether or not they are coded by means of the same marker across
languages. Fig. 3 shows a horseshoe pattern, which is a common arrangement in
MDS representations and basically corresponds to a linear representation (Croft
and Poole, 2008:17).
Yet, the methodology described in this section has some limits. First of
all, only constructions showing overt markers have been considered, and it is
not clear what mathematical value should be attributed to those cases in which
two relations are both expressed by means of juxtaposition. Furthermore, of the
parameters described in section 1.2, only one is taken into account in the MDS
representation, namely the coding degree of coordination relations, based on the
semantic domain of the attested constructions. Nevertheless, the MDS map
provides a bidimensional visualization of frequency converted into
between relations, thus describing a further dimension of
cross-linguistic variation which was not visible in Fig. 2.
4. Conclusion
The aim of this paper was to explore the degree to which
conceptual spaces may comprehensively describe cross-linguistic variation and to
examine what types of phenomena may be consistently represented in a unified
account. The key question was whether recurrent multifunctionality is the only
dimension of cross-linguistic variation that may be described in a conceptual
space, or whether there are other dimensions of variation that may be
By examining the case of coordination relations, it has been argued that
it is possible to build a unified
coding map accounting also for the
presence and morphophonological complexity of overt markers coding the
conceptual situations at issue. In other words, the regular cross-linguistic
variation concerning
whether and
how a specific conceptual
situation is coded is motivated by homogeneous functional motivations, which may
be jointly mirrored by the respective location of the elements on the
Besides their functional proximity, the conceptual elements may be
hierarchically organized according to their respective degree of inferability
and semantic specificity. Then, the interaction of these semantic properties
with the general principle of syntagmatic economy makes cross-linguistic
variation in the coding of the elements on the map predictable, at least as far
as the parameters of coding degree and coding complexity are concerned.
The coding map proposed in this paper may still be considered a
conceptual space insofar as it provides a geometrical representation of
functions on the basis of the attested variation in their cross-linguistic
coding. However, the phenomena of cross-linguistic coding that are taken into
account are not limited to the attested patterns of multifunctionality, but also
include the presence of overt marking and its morphophonological complexity.
Hence, the term ‘coding’ map, instead of ‘semantic’ map,
is introduced because it better mirrors the wider scope of this descriptive
The integration of the coding map with the Multi-Dimensional Scaling
(MDS) technique provides a measure for a further dimension of variation, namely
the frequency with which two conceptual situations are coded by means of the
same marker (see also Cysouw 2007 and van der Auwera 2008 for similar
conclusions). Cysouw (2007:234) suggests integrating the frequency of
multifunctionality patterns in a traditional semantic map by means of different
degrees of thickness of the lines connecting the various conceptual situations.
Nonetheless, he acknowledges that the final result is rather messy. Since the
coding map (Fig. 2) and the MDS map (Fig. 3) have proven to be compatible and
complementary (i.e. they show the same internal basic structure and focus on
different phenomena), a possible integration of the two methodologies could be
provided by a coding map in which the respective distances between the elements
mirror the coding distances highlighted through a MDS map. Yet, this final step
of the integrative process must be left for further research. For now, this
paper has shown the compatibility and complementarity of the two maps,
highlighting promising possibilities of the integration of the two approaches,
moving towards a comprehensive account of cross-linguistic variation.
I would like to thank Andrej Malchukov and Eva van Lier for
their helpful comments on the first draft of this paper.
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emphatic; FUT future; GEN genitive; IMPF imperfective; IND
indicative; INF infinitive; INT interrogative; LOC
locative; M masculine; NEG negation; NOM nominative; PAST
past; PL plural; PERMIS permissive; PRS present; Q
question marker; SEQ sequential, SG singular; TOP
topic; WP witnessed past.
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Author’s contact information:
Caterina Mauri
Dipartimento di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata
Università degli Studi di Pavia
Strada Nuova 65
27100 Pavia, Italy
“State of
affairs” means here the concept of something that can be the case in some
world and can be evaluated in terms of its existence (Siewierska 1991). The term
“state of affairs” will be understood as a hyperonym for the words
‘situation’, ‘event’, ‘process’, and
‘action’ (see Van Valin 2006: 82-89 for detailed
Albanian, Basque, Belorussian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chechen, Czech, Danish,
Dargi, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, Georgian, German, Greek,
Hungarian, Icelandic, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lezgian, Lithuanian,
Luxembourguish, Maltese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian,
Sardinian, Serbo-Croatian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian. COMPARISON
SAMPLE: Arabic, Dumi, Hakha Lai, Harar Oromo, Hausa, Hdi, Hebrew, Hocak, Iraqw,
Jamul Tiipay, Japanese, Kisi, Kolyma Yukaghir, Korean, Koromfe, Lango, Limbu,
Malayalam, Mangarayi, Maori, Marathi, Maricopa, Meithei, Mosetén,
ȇ, Ndyuka, Persian,
Rapanui, Somali, Supyire, Tauya, Tukang Besi, Tuvaluan, Upper Kuskokwim
Athabaskan, Vietnamese, Warì, West Greenlandic.
The strong bias toward
Europe is motivated by the fact that this study was conducted within a project
on Europe and the Mediterranean, from a linguistic point of view, and European
languages were compared with non-European languages in order to highlight
possible areal phenomena (see Mauri 2007). Furthermore, much attention in this
research is devoted to the degree to which the various coordination relations
are overtly coded by means of dedicated markers. As Kortmann (1997: 46) points
out, overt means of linking states of affairs are typical of the written
language. Hence, written languages show a wider, or at least a stable range of
markers specifying different conceptual relations among states of affairs.
European languages constitute a high proportion of the languages that have a
developed written register and a long literary tradition and thus constitute a
favored sample for research on overt inter-clausal markers.
It must be noted that
the use of a juxtapositive strategy for the expression of correction is
widespread across languages at the spoken level. However, juxtaposition is often
limited to the colloquial level, and both in written and in spoken language the
use of overt markers is preferred (cf. Italian, French, English, and German
among others).
See Mauri (2008b:
chapter 3) for a detailed discussion on the contraposition of the two dimensions
of co-occurrence and non-co-occurrence as associated respectively to combination
and alternative relations.
Diachronic change is in
turn (uni)directional (see Lehmann 1995[1982]; Haspelmath 2004b), and this means
that certain conceptual situations are likely to develop from others, but the
reverse is not true. This directionality may be represented in the conceptual
space by linking the various conceptual elements through arrows which show the
direction of semantic change (for further discussion on the diachronic reading
of conceptual spaces, see van der Auwera and Plungian 1998; Haspelmath
For some relations data
did not show any particular functional asymmetry (like temporal and atemporal
combination, or oppositive and corrective contrast). These relations are located
one after the other on the basis of the combination-contrast conceptual space
(cf. 2.2). In order to highlight the points along the horizontal axis where a
coding cut-off point occurs, the symbol ">" has been used.