Volume 1 Issue 2 (2002)
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Archiving Electronic Journals
Lenore A. Grenoble and Lindsay J. Whaley
Dartmouth College
The choice to publish Linguistic Discovery in a purely
electronic format has a range of benefits. The production costs are far lower
than they would be for a print journal, which makes it possible to avoid
subscription fees; the turn around time from receipt of a manuscript to
publication can be cut dramatically in most cases; and most importantly, the
inclusion of audio and video data, the potential for a dynamic presentation of
information and the ability to link pages in a non-linear fashion open up
intriguing possibilities about different ways of communicating discoveries about
language. The electronic format of Linguistic Discovery also poses some
challenges, two of which are of particular concern. First, there are technical
issues about fonts, variations among browsers and platforms, search engines, and
so on. Second, there are issues about archiving the journal. Although the former
challenge is the one that our contributors tend to have the most questions
about, and the one that adds most to the stress level of the editors, it is
archiving that has the greater part in determining the continued success of the
journal. For this reason, we felt it important to make some remarks on the
In the electronic world, archiving must be considered from both a
synchronic and diachronic perspective. Can an interested reader access the
journal whenever she wants? Will an interested reader be able to access a
current issue of the journal in a year, or five years, or fifty years from now?
Such questions are more complicated than they might appear at first. Long term
availability of information on the web entails long term maintenance of a site.
How is this to be ensured? Web technology changes rapidly. How can we be
confident that articles published in today’s HTML and pdf files will be
readable in the future? Journals need infusions of fresh ideas and energy from
new editors from time to time to remain healthy. In the case of Linguistic
Discovery, who maintains responsibility for the site when editorship
changes? Does each editorship involve a switch in technical staff as well?
We have no definitive answers to such questions because the
directions of evolving technology will dictate them in large measure. We can,
however, offer provisional answers which will underscore our current thinking on
the question of archiving.
While still in the process of creating Linguistic Discovery,
we recognized the importance of getting a commitment from our home institution,
Dartmouth College, to archive the materials. An institution needed to back the
enterprise in order to ensure the journal's continuity, and it was convenient to
have Dartmouth serve this role. From a more principled view, we see it as the
prime mission of libraries to archive scholarly materials and make them
accessible to society. This view, current in library communities today, takes
the library to be a custodian of scholarly knowledge, regardless of format (as
opposed to being a storehouse of only printed materials). With this principle in
mind, Dartmouth's Baker-Berry Library now shoulders the responsibility of
maintaining and archiving Linguistic Discovery.
Just how digital materials should be archived is a topic of great
debate. What can be considered the more traditional approach is based on the
assumption that having a single repository is the most secure means to ensure
long-term maintenance and availability of materials. An antithetical idea is
being investigated through a relatively new program, the LOCKSS initiative
(LOCKSS=“Lots of Copies Keeps Stuff Safe”), developed at Stanford
(http://lockss.stanford.edu/). LOCKSS
has created software that can archive copies of material at multiple sites,
based on the simple principle that the more copies there are, the greater the
possibility that they will be available in the future. (LOCKSS sets the minimum
number of storage sites at six, yet prefers 12). LOCKSS is still in an
experimental stage, but has some very promising features. It is founded on the
belief that libraries have a commitment to society to store, maintain, and make
accessible scholarly knowledge.
An added benefit of LOCKSS for Linguistic Discovery is that
it is designed to be inexpensive and easy to use. The cache machines used by
LOCKSS to archive material are desktop PCs and have low system administration
requirements. What this means in practical terms is that the equipment and
personnel costs involved are relatively minor. Therefore, Dartmouth need not
enter into potentially costly negotiations with other institutions in order to
have Linguistic Discovery archived, and this in turn allows us to keep
the journal free.
The LOCKSS model thus furnishes a provisional answer to how one will
be able to access back issues of Linguistic Discovery into the indefinite
future. The multiple storage sites should also mean that current issues of the
journal should be available even if we are having server problems at Dartmouth,
which happens more often than we would like to admit. It is likely that the
first archiving site outside of Dartmouth for Linguistic Discovery will
be established in the upcoming months; this will be a significant stage in the
evolution of the journal.
What about the issue of how already published material will keep
pace with changing technology? Of course, part of what it means to maintain the
journal is a commitment to keeping past issues available and searchable on the
Linguistic Discovery site. In addition, we burn CD’s with copies of
each issue; one set is stored in the Baker-Berry library, and in this form
should be available indefinitely. Just as in the case of microfiche, film
strips, and reel-to-reel tapes, we foresee libraries keeping equipment that
allow access to digital information encoded in yesterday’s technology. We
find the non-virtual copies of the journal to be important just in case changes
in information technologies make web-based technology obsolete.
This brings us to the final question. What happens with all this
when the journal is administered somewhere other than Dartmouth? Several
possibilities exist. The first is that a changing editorship will also entail a
shift in institutional commitment to the journal, much the same as when a print
journal shifts from one publishing house to another. In such a scenario
Dartmouth’s maintenance function would cease; its archiving role could or
could not be continued, though given Dartmouth’s participation in LOCKSS
it is quite likely that it would. Another possibility is that Dartmouth would
continue to have institutional oversight of the journal, and bear the
responsibility for technical assistance and the like, despite the fact that the
editor was employed elsewhere. At present, we see this as the more likely
possibility, given the role of the Baker-Berry Library in the developing
Linguistic Discovery, along with the commitment of the head librarian,
Richard Lucier, to electronic publishing.
This all said, it is important to keep in mind that our thinking
about archiving—and the technology available for it—are constantly
evolving. We can only anticipate that electronic publications will be radically
different in another decade. Given the current interest in electronic
publishing, the technology for archiving scholarly materials will continue to
change alongside changes in the technology for creating them. The LOCKSS program
is still in the experimental stage. If successful, it will need constantly and
persistently to evaluate its programs and develop new ones. At present, we see
as critical the institutional commitment to be involved, in a very intimate way,
with the publishing and archiving of Linguistic Discovery. |