Calls for Papers: 2003 ; 2004

Please send updates or new information to Suggest a Resource


SCOPE: An online journal of film studies (e-journal)
Call for film reviews. No submissions date.
"Scope, a fully refereed on-line journal of film studies edited by staff and postgraduate students within the Institute of Film Studies at the University of Nottingham, is looking for film reviews of current or upcoming films of about 1000/1500 words to be included in forthcoming issues."



The Red Critique: Marxist Critiques of the Contemporary (e-journal)
Call for journal articles. No submissions date.



The Journal of Popular Culture,
Call for book reviews. No submissions date.
The Journal of Popular Culture, a quarterly published by the Popular Culture Association since 1965, invites publishers and authors to submit new books for scholarly review. Book reviewers are also invited to apply. Contact the JPC Book Review Editor, Peter Holloran, Worcester State College, Department of History, Worcester, MA 01602;



The Columbia Journal of American Studies
Call for journal articles. No submissions date.
is accepting articles on any topic related to American culture. Please mail to: CJAS, Columbia M.A. Programs, GSAS, 108 Low Library, MC 4307, New York, NY 10027. For additional information or a sample issue, please email the editors at:



The Center Journal
Call for journal articles. Submissions due: January 31, 2003
The Center for Puerto Rican Studies Journal is soliciting manuscripts for a special issue on Puerto Rican music to be published in the Fall 2003. Co-edited by Juan Flores and Wilson Valentín-Escobar, articles, essays, interviews and other written and visual documentation related to Puerto Rican music in both Puerto Rico and its varied Diasporic settings are welcomed. Papers should be no longer than 35 double-spaced pages, including notes and references.
For guidelines consult
For information and submissions contact: Xavier F. Totti, Editor CENTRO: Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies Hunter College, 695 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10021.
(; 212.772.5690; fax: 212.650.3673



Radical Teacher : a socialist, feminist, and anti-racist journal on the theory and practice of teaching
Call for journal articles. Submissions due: February 1, 2003
Journal issue: Post-race or the Persistence of Race Radical Teacher
"This issue of Radical Teacher seeks to understand and analyze the teaching of race and ethnicity in education, particularly the ways in which teachers explain the current complexities of race and racism in American culture. How do we teach about racial, ethnic, and linguistic diversity in our classrooms? How do we teach the specific social and material consequences of racial identity beyond a black-white model? How do we think about coalitions among and between students of different races, ethnicities, and nationalities? How do we teach students to form such alliances? Topics might include: ... the past and present of African-American, Latino, Asian-American, and American Ethnic studies programs ..."



Latino Studies Journal
Call for journal articles: Submissions due: for March 2003 Issues and Beyond.
Latino Studies is a new international, peer-reviewed journal. It will be published three times a year, with the first issue appearing in March 2003. Its principal aim is to advance interdisciplinary scholarship about the lived experience and struggles of Latinas and Latinos for equity, representation, and social justice. Sustaining the tradition of activist scholarship of the founders of Chicana and Chicano Studies and Puerto Rican Studies, we engage critically the study of the local, national, transnational, and hemispheric realities that continue to influence the Latina and Latino presence in the United States. The journal is committed to developing a new transnational research agenda that bridges the academic and non-academic worlds and fosters mutual learning and collaboration among all the Latino national groups.
Editor: Suzanne Oboler, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA.

Next issue: Latinidades. September 1, 2003 Deadline.
We invite essays for a special issue on Latinidades for possible publication in our new, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal, Latino Studies. Topics could include but are not limited to: the meaning of the concept of latinidad: the advertising industry and latinidad; Latinidad and racial, social, gendered, sexual, etc. identities; latinidad and electoral politics, social movements, mass media, expressive and/or popular culture, the arts, etc. For more information about the journal and/or for a description of our CFP please go to or write to Suzanne Oboler,



Latino New England: Trends and Issues,
Call for book articles. Submissions due: May 15, 2003
"The 2000 Census revealed that the New England region is home to almost one million Hispanics. Between 1990 and 2000 the population increased by 54% reaching 875,225. The Mauricio Gastón Institute for Latino Community Development and Public Policy, at the University of Massachusetts Boston, is seeking submissions for an edited volume about this growing presence. We are interested in addressing the trends and issues defining this important community.
Andrés Torres, Director. Mauricio Gastón Institute. University of Massachusetts Boston. 100 Morrissey Blvd. Boston MA 02125-3393



"An Anthology of Critical Essays: Reconstructing New South Narratives."
Call for book articles. Submissions due: September 1, 2003
Essays are requested that provide new insights on the cultural work achieved by fiction and non-fiction about the South published in the aftermath of Reconstruction, from approximately 1880 to 1920. Potential contributors must contact the anthology editors ahead of time with paper and topic proposals. Finished versions of essays to be considered for this volume, 20-30pp. maximum, should be sent to all of the editors:
Herman Beavers, University of Pennsylvania;
Jennifer Rae Greeson, Columbia University;
Peter Schmidt, Swarthmore College; .;


The Center Journal
Call for journal articles. Submissions due: January 31, 2004
From the turn of the century to the present, Puerto Rican artists have pioneered aesthetic movements in the United States. Omitted from mainstream art historical accounts because of their ethnic “otherness,” Puerto Rican visual artists in the United States are subject to critical neglect. This special issue of CENTRO Journal seeks to document the trajectories of Puerto Rican artists within the United States cultural arena. We are interested in artists that work in any visual media, including painting, printmaking, sculpture, photography, video, and the Internet. We welcome papers from all disciplines, as well as papers with an interdisciplinary approach. We encourage contributions that consider the participation of Puerto Rican artists in vanguard 20th century movements, such as social realism, surrealism, pop art, minimalism, conceptualism, and performance, as well as those that highlight artistic contributions to social movements concerning issues such as health, housing, education, the environment, and struggles for social justice. Papers that document the creation of Puerto Rican art galleries and studios in the United States, as well as studies that analyze the critical reception of exhibitions of Puerto Rican art in the U.S., are desired. Comparative studies between mainland and island-based artists or between Puerto Rican artists and artists of African American, Caribbean, and Latin American descent are welcome. Cross-disciplinary studies that document connections between Puerto Rican visual artists, musicians, and writers in the United States will also be considered. We further seek theoretical papers examining how Puerto Rican identity is projected through the visual arts. Papers should be no longer than 35 double-spaced pages, including notes and references.
For guidelines consult
For information and submissions contact: Xavier F. Totti, Editor CENTRO: Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies Hunter College, 695 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10021.
(; 212.772.5690; fax: 212.650.3673


