Teaching Tools: Databases and Periodical Indexes & Abstracts

Periodical Indexes & Abstracts | Databases, (Full Text)


Periodical Indexes & Abstracts


Alternative Press Index

Description: A guide to alternative & radical media plus a guide to publishers' addresses, produced by the Alternative Press Center in Baltimore. The Alternative Press Index is regarded as a leading guide to the alternative press in North America. Citations are drawn from roughly 380 alternative, radical, and left publications, which report and analyze the practices and theories of cultural, economic, political, and social change. API indexes all articles of 5 or more paragraphs, including: editorials, regular columns, essays, fiction; speeches, interviews, statistics, reprints; bibliographies, directories, resource lists; autobiographies, biographies, obituaries, memoirs; and reviews: book, film, record, TV, drama, arts, and multimedia.

Print Version: Coverage is from 1969 to 1991.
Electronic Version: Coverage is from 1991 to the present.
Publications included: The AP Center's Online Directory
Where to find the Alternative Press Index?: Clic here
Are you in Dartmouth College?: Clic here for the print version or Clic here for the electronic version.
Subjects: Periodical Indexes & Abstracts. Underground press publications -- News. Indexes.

Anthropological Literature

Description Available online only as an RLG Citation Resources (CitaDel®) file, Anthropological Literature is the most comprehensive international resource for the fields of anthropology, archaeology, and related interdisciplinary research. Produced by one of the world's foremost anthropology libraries, Anthropological Literature indexes entries at least two pages long in nearly 900 journals and monographic series held in Harvard University's Tozzer Library. These include articles, reports, commentaries and obituaries. Anthropological Literature online now covers articles published from the late 19th century to the present, including the complete contents of Anthropological Literature: An Index to Periodical Articles and Essays (published quarterly since 1979).

Print Version: Coverage is from 1979 to date.
Electronic Version: Coverage is from 1900 to the present.

Publications included:
Source Titles List from Research Libraries Group's CitaDel database service.
List of Journals and Monographic Series in pdf format from Harvard University.
List of Edited Works in pdf format from Harvard University.

Where to find the Alternative Press Index?: Check in your library
Are you in Dartmouth College?: Clic here for the print version or Clic here for the electronic version.
Subjects: Periodical Indexes & Abstracts: Anthropology and Geography.

Chicano Database

Description: Available for campuswide online searching only as an RLG Citations Resource (CitaDel®) database. This is the most comprehensive bibliographic resource for information about Mexican-American topics and the only specialized database for Chicano reference. It identifies, in one place, all types of material about Chicanos and provides uniform subject access to this constantly growing body of literature. Incorporates the Spanish Speaking Mental Health Database, a comprehensive resource covering psychological, sociological, and educational literature. Also includes (1992 to the present) the broader Latino experience of Puerto Ricans, Cuban Americans, and Central American immigrants.
(Portions of the database have been published as the Chicano Periodical Index, covering 1967-1988; the Chicano Index, of articles and books added since 1989; Arte Chicano: An Annotated Bibliography of Chicano Art, 1965-1981; the Chicano Anthology Index; the Chicana Studies Index: Twenty Years of Gender Research, 1971-1991; and Hispanic Mental Health Research: A Reference Guide, covering 1920-1980.)

Electronic Version: Coverage is from 1992 to the present.
Publications included: Source Titles List
Where to find the Alternative Press Index?: Check in your library
Are you in Dartmouth College?: Clic here for the electronic version.
Subjects: Periodical Indexes & Abstracts. Anthropology and Geography. History. Indexes.



Databases, (Full Text)

eHRAF Collection of Ethnography

General Description: eHRAF Collection of Ethnography is a full-text online database for disciplines with an interest in cultural diversity. It includes information on every aspect of cultural and social life, with topics ranging from religious beliefs, bringing up children, causes and cures of diseases, to economic and political behaviour. The sources for each culture (selected books, articles and dissertations) are subject-indexed using numerical codes at the paragraph level. Keyword searches are also possible.
eHRAF Collection of Ethnography contains 300,000+ pages of selected books, articles and dissertations. It covers a representative 108 different cultures from all parts of the world.

Specific Description about: Latinos Studies

User Guides and Teaching resources http://www.yale.edu/hraf/teachingehraf.html
Where to find the Alternative Press Index?: Check in your library
Are you in Dartmouth College?: Clic here for the electronic version.
Subjects: Databases. Full Text. Anthropology and Geography.

Ethnic NewsWatch

Description Ethnic NewsWatch (ENW) is a comprehensive full text database of the newspapers, magazines and journals of the ethnic, minority and native press. Continuously growing since 1991, with archival material back to 1985, Ethnic NewsWatch is now a collection of more than 470,000 full-text articles from over 200 publications. Searchable in both English and Spanish, with titles in both languages and more than 100,000 articles in Spanish, ENW in-depth coverage of a wide range of current and topics easily accessed using free text and fielded searching. An average of 7,500 new articles is added each month.
More Information from: OCLC vendor or Proquest vendor

Electronic Version: Coverage is from 1985 to the present.
Publications included: Source Titles List from OCLC or Proquest
Where to find the Alternative Press Index?: Check in your library
Are you in Dartmouth College?: Clic here for the electronic version.
Subjects: Databases. Full Text. Underground press publications -- News.


Description GenderWatch is a full-text collection of international journals, magazines, newsletters, regional publications, special reports and conference proceedings devoted to women's and gender issues. The database provides in-depth coverage of the subjects that are uniquely central to women's daily lives, including family, childbirth, birth control, daycare, domestic abuse, work and the workplace, sexual harassment, aging, aging parents, body image, eating disorders and social and societal roles. It also includes content on the impact of gender and gender roles on areas such as: the arts, popular culture and media, business and work, crime and criminology, education, research and scholarship, family, health care and medicine, politics, policy and legislation, pornography, religion, sexuality and sexology, sports and leisure.
GenderWatch contains a significant body of archival material dating back to the mid 1970's. Additional archival material continues to be added, making GenderWatch a repository of information providing an important historical perspective on the evolution of women's and gender issues over the last fifteen to twenty years. .
More Information from: OCLC vendor or Proquest vendor

Electronic Version: Coverage is from 1974 to the present.
Publications included: Source Titles List from OCLC or Proquest
Where to find the Alternative Press Index?: Check in your library
Are you in Dartmouth College?: Clic here for the electronic version.
Subjects: Databases. Full Text. Women Studies. Anthropology. Sociology.


Description Alt-PressWatch is a full text database comprised of the newspapers, magazines and journals of the alternative and independent press. .

Electronic Version: Coverage is from 1995 to the present.
Publications included: Source Titles List
Where to find the Alternative Press Index?: Check in your library
Are you in Dartmouth College?: Currently Dartmouth College does not have subscription to this product
Subjects: Databases. Full Text. Underground press publications -- News. http://apw.softlineweb.com/help3.htm

