About New Voices/Nuevas Voces

New Voices/Nuevas Voces is the student section of Latino Intersections dedicated to the presentation and promotion of creative and scholarly work developed both in and out of the classroom by young Latino/a writers, artists and performers, as well as by non-Latinos interested in Latino-related issues. While Encrucijada/Crossroads is primarily for professional academics, political activists, writers, poets, performers and artists, New Voices/Nuevas Voces focuses on similar kinds of work produced by a younger generation on the threshold of their professional careers. Moreover, New Voices/Nuevas Voces is meant to serve as a public forum for young Latinos and Latinas who wish to share their textual and multimedia work with a much wider audience than is usually accessible through individual classrooms and institutions.

New Voices/Nuevas Voces comes out of the Latinos 2000 conference, which was held at Dartmouth College in February of 2000. Latino/a students were involved at all levels of the organization of Latinos 2000, and many students gave papers, led discussion sections, and presented topics at the conference workshops. These students' crucial participation, their enthusiastic involvement, and their wonderful contributions were key factors in making Latinos 2000 a tremendous success. The spirit of the involvement of these young scholars, activists, and community leaders is one which we hope will continue to grow through the active participation in New Voices/Nuevas Voces.

It is our hope, therefore, that New Voices/Nuevas Voces (along with the other areas of Latino Intersections) will become a space for young Latinos, Latinas and like-minded people to share their original work, as well as a place where the issues, goals, and strategies for affecting positive change for Latinos can be explored. The editors and advisory board welcome submissions and the input from a broad audience. We are seeking a variety of contributions which may include text-based and multimedia formats. Some examples of the types of submissions that we wish to include in New Voices/Nuevas Voces are: academically-oriented papers and research; artistic and creative projects (such as digital sound recordings of music and poetry, photographic images, and digitized images of art work); and original digital video productions and digital videos of live performances. The advisory board is composed of current students, former students, and professionals in the broad field of Latino Studies.

The Editors
