Volume 3 Issue 1 (2013)        DOI:10.1349/PS1.1938-6060.A.435

Issue Preface

We are delighted to be back with an expansive new issue, and to welcome the very talented Jentery Sayers as our guest-editor.

Jentery has imagined and assembled a truly significant and ground-breaking set of Essays, Conversations, Working Theory, and Reviews that will resonate across Media Studies and the Digital Humanities. His issue introduction maps and contextualizes this work with great insight. Thanks much to him and of course also to the authors for their spirit of diligence and commitment.

Grateful as always to Librarian of the College Jeff Horrell and Associate Librarian for Information Management David Seaman for their confidence and support.

Extra special thanks to Barbara DeFelice, who has overseen even more new systems of operation for digital publishing at the Library, and who also contributed her editing and coding talents when necessary. Sara Evangelos demonstrated great skill and cooperation in copy-editing the issue, and also developed a much-needed style sheet for the journal. David Green was instrumental in improving our capacity to share and comment on journal content. Sarah Tischer Scully provided crucial web video support, and Paul Merchant was once again available for problem-solving. Our truly superior student staff includes Tewende Anani Sawadogo, who was crucial to the mark-up process, and Rebecca Rothfield, who provided additional research and web-enhancing.

Lastly, we recognize with sorrow and deep respect the passing of two members of the Editorial Board: Anne Friedberg and Mark Poster. Both were inspiring and transformational figures in the development of our field, exceptional scholars and generous mentors. This issue exists in tribute to them.

We look forward to entertaining new submissions for consideration, including ideas for future special issues.